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a blog about all kindsa Stuff!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Looking So Long At These Pictures Of Me

On facebook there has lately appeared this delightful new picture of me:

The question, of course, is: Should it now become my default photo for everything?

Another option, especially as a possible picture for this blog, is this one:

Drinking, smoking, and yelling about something: Yeah, that's pretty much it.

I gave the hat to Sarah, and another one of similar design to Lynsey. The beer is thought to have been drunk. What became of the cigarette is unknown.


Anon said...

You clearly need your own line of action figures:

Amish Steve - with removable hat

Drinking and Yelling Steve - with chain smoking action

Breaking Stuff Steve - with karate kick action

Responsible Steve - with magic disappearing action

Kateryna said...

haha, Jim is thinking along the same line as me except I see you as a novel character. A spanish vendor who is either a spy or a prince going incognito.

If one was going to psycho analyze our thoughts it must mean that Jim plays with action figures and I read *cough* 'historical' novels?