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Friday, August 29, 2008

Things That Are Interesting Today

At Coffee and Conservation:

Rufous Woodpeckers are making a happy habitat of shade-grown coffee plantations in India. Hooray! Says Dr. Scientist, "It is high time that the conservation value of shaded coffee plantation, as a critical habitat for Rufous Woodpecker and other forest birds, be recognised and proper agro-ecological management practices developed and popularised amongst planters."

p.s. Maureen we should buy organic coffee for the office I don't care what you say.


At Global Research.ca, by way of Information Clearing House:

An article tinged with tinfoil-hat paranoia (and sloppy editing) nevertheless is a font of interesting and possibly correct datapoints, including:

Shortly before World War II, Hjalmer Schacht, a German banker, toured the United States soliciting American corporate support for Hitler’s new fascist state. U.S. corporations not only agreed to support Germany against the socialist economic system of the Soviet Union, but also declared their opposition to the strong labor movement arising in the United States and Europe.

Among the eminent business leaders backing these multinational corporations were the Rockefellers and Prescott Bush, father of George Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush. Prescott Bush worked with his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, in the family firm Union Banking Corporation to raise $50 million for the Nazi government by selling German bonds to American investors from 1924 to 1930.

Over at my friend Jim's workplace, someone points out that McCain's ultra-cynical VP pick (See! She has a vagina like that Democrat woman! And she's young and cute and inexperienced like that black guy!) has fewer constituents than Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato.


On a more serious note, it sounds like this Palin woman sucks in pretty much every way except that she taxed oil companies, so that part's good. Other than that though, yeah, she sucks.


And on an even more serious note, today's XKCD is about Han Solo! Oh, Han Solo: One day I'll be as cool as you.


Oh, and last thing:

One day, it's going to be sixty years from now and George Lucas will be, mercifully, dead. And all of his lackies and retards that tell him stuff like "Ewoks are a good idea" and "You're right we really should have a Carribean frog-man with Down Syndrome as a major character" and "Hey yeah, if we make the Jew a giant fly-man with a big nose and a Jew-hat no one will know he's a Jew" will be dead too.

And on that day someone who is smart will re-imagine the whole Star Wars saga in the same way they done for Battlestar Galactica. All the attempts at cuteness will be done away with; so too all the idiotic dialog, all the wooden "acting" and senseless plots. The Ewoks, if they appear at all, will be a disturbing race of stunted tree-men, allies of necessity with their own terrible agendas and secrets. Jar Jar will turn up for four seconds and then he will be shot. Annakin's descent into evil will make sense of any kind. And I will be, um, 85, and I will go and see all 6 new movies and cry myself to sleep with joy.

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