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Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy America Day, Everybody

And a cheers to the fact that, despite an obscenely unfair distribution of wealth and with it access to political power, medical care, advanced technology, education and so much more;

despite a justice system based on revenge and brutality and adherence to a magical nothingness called the "Law," overwhelmingly supported by hordes of foaming-at-the-mouth barbarians eager to See the Bastard Fry or Lock 'em Up and Throaway the Key, a system based only on hurting people and destroying lives and never on rectifying bad situations;

despite a two-hundred-year history of constant aggressive war, reaching every continent on the globe;

despite all these things this sure ain't a bad place to be

white and middle class.

1 comment:

Kateryna said...

Happy Fourth ----to the most quintessentail thinker of thoughts.