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Monday, July 14, 2008

The Obama New Yorker Thing

Speaking of Gawker, you know what I like? This. It's been annoying the fuck out of me all day (since I opened my email this morning to encounter this shrieking lefty cryfest from Alternet, which can almost always fuck off but which I read anyway because of some reason) and I'm glad that every single leftish person in America isn't being completely fucking retarded and playing into the right-wing stereotype of liberals ("progressives")(I love that we even needed a politically correct term for ourselves) as a bunch of desperately shrill, permanently offended pussies who like classic cars.

(Note: The previous link will work only if Gabe bumps his this-most-recent-Friday-night-post ahead for me.)

(Note 2: If he doesn't, I will not explain the joke to you.)

(Note 3: Hahaha too bad.)


Gabriel said...

Your not saying I'm into classic cars are you? Yesterday I was walking past that candy shop and the sign read "14 Flavors of Fudge, Cruisers Welcome!"

A Rat in the Walls said...

That. That is simply amazing.

We went to that candy shop today. I would have been delighted, but there were no chocolate covered pretzels.

Or cruisers.